Come and learn how to build a great relationship with your puppy...
Training classes for 12-20 week old pups, teaching them more than just the basic sit, down & stand of a traditional obedience class!
There are sits, downs, and waits of course, but there is also loose lead walking, how to get your pup to come back to you, how to accept handling for vet visits and groomers, how to play nicely, how to greet and relax around other dogs, building a strong bond between you and your pup through patience & kindness. There is also an introduction to some gentle Canine Conditioning exercises to help your puppies developing muscle and joint strength for greater stability. These exercises are backed by science to supercharge their brains and bodies – making them as fit as a flea and wanting to come back to you!! Double bonus!!
This course is fun and unique! The training side was developed by Hannah Molloy of Amplified Behaviour (fabulous trainer & behaviourist from Channel 4 Puppy School) that helps pups to navigate life through love & trust. It is a well tried and tested course having been used to train 10,000 dogs in 10 years!
It has been modified by me, a Canine Conditioning Coach to introduce some body awareness and strengthening work to make an all-round super awesome start for your pups.
You will need to bring treats (natural meaty treats and some high value treats) and a filled Kong, a puppy long line and their bed or a blanket.
Up to 6 puppies in a class
7 week course £130
Training doesn't stop after 7 weeks!
Classes for pups 5 months and over, building on the foundations learned at puppy class, and incorporating some brilliant Canine Conditioning exercises to help your pups developing muscle strength and body awareness. Bigger challenges for bigger dogs! Helping navigate that crazy teens stage with a better bond, working their brains and their bodies for even stronger, fitter and more confident dogs that want to come back to you!
You will need to bring plenty of treats, a filled kong, bed or blanket and a regular collar and lead.
7 week course £130
So you've got your puppy... now what do you do? How to get started? How can you teach your puppy to wee in the right place, or sleep in their bed? How to build their confidence and trust in you now they've left the comfort and security of their siblings?
1‑to‑1 sessions in your home to help you get into a great routine and start building your relationship bond for a lifelong journey. Support with toilet training, daily routines, and introduction to training cues for behaviours and what to do about the behaviours you would rather not see.
£50 per hour, recommended 4 x 1 hour sessions
"Bryony’s classes are really friendly for humans and pups, it’s strengthened the relationship between me and Eddy which has been so valuable to have especially when introducing him to different situations. Bryony is patient and sympathetic, but can also see the potential that you can reach, before you know it yourself. She believes in you every step of the way, and celebrates with you (and pup!) when you succeed. So glad I joined classes, because I now have a lovely thriving young dog, also making new friendships along the way, which is invaluable being a first time dog parent "
"I’m halfway through our puppy classes and I thoroughly recommend joining. Not only does it teach your puppy, it teaches you how to behave with them! "